Friday, December 20, 2013

Condor Moving Systems Partners with Move for Hunger

Condor Moving Systems Partners with Move for Hunger

What do you do with all the canned goods and non-perishables in your pantry when you’re moving across the country?  As a general rule, it’s always best to lighten your load as much as possible when you’re moving across the country; canned goods can add a significant amount of weight to your shipment.  In fact, often times the cost to ship canned goods and non-perishable food items exceeds the value of what you initially paid for the family size can of corn or tomato sauce.  These items can easily be replaced once you’ve settled into your new home which will save you paying almost triple of the value of the items.  Additionally, it’s a good way to clean out the panty and relieve yourself of the impulse buy you made six months ago of that random can of tuna or artichoke hearts.  Good news!!  Condor Moving Systems participates in “Move for Hunger”, a non-profit organization working with moving companies all over the country to alleviate customers of their canned goods and non-perishables.  Condor Moving Systems will tag the boxes you wish to donate with a “Move for Hunger” sticker and deliver them to the local food bank free of charge.  “Move for Hunger” organization is working to be one of the largest year round service programs working with local food banks and relocation companies all of the country to give back to the community and make a positive impact locally.  Condor Moving Systems is proud to be a member of this important organization while assisting our customers in alleviating stress, saving money and lightening the load.  Win, win!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Saving Money on Your Local Move


For people who are moving within the state of Texas, the price is based on an hourly rate, instead of the weight. This makes life easier for you, but there are still ways to save money by shaving off the amount of time it takes for the movers to get you loaded.


Make sure you “lighten your load” before your move. If you don’t need something, get rid of it before your move date. The more items you move, the more time it takes.


Also, you’ll want to make sure your inventory list is accurate. While you aren’t penalized for added items on a local move, additional items take more time to move. Plus, we’ll want to make sure we have reserved enough truck space & manpower, as a more efficiency equals less time on the clock.


Lastly, make sure you’ve completed your packing before the movers arrive. One thing we see happening frequently is, people become tired the night before the move, and often decide to finish packing the next day while the movers are loading. You never know what they will need to load first, and since your movers cannot wait for you to complete your packing, they will have to assist you with it. This is how people incur extra charges for which they weren’t planning. Additionally, be sure to get assistance for any “special care items” you may not know how to pack securely before the day of your move, so there are no surprise packing expenses on moving day.


Whether you’re moving across town or across the country, nothing will make your move more stress-free than a little bit of preparation. Because if you don’t have time to prepare properly, when will you have time to fix it?